Understanding the flows editor

The Editor section is where you can create your flow structure. it is divided in the superior bar, the sidebar and the work area.

The superior bar is where you will find the Editor’s menu. Also here, are the 4 main tools to create your flow. The decision tool, the instruction tool, the activity tool and the end tool.

editor de fluxos visto

The decision tool is one of the main components in Visto, it allows the manager to insert a choice in the flow, defining conformities and non-conformities and also giving a simple choice or a multiple choice one.

The instruction tool allows the flow creator to add instructions.

The activity tool is used in situations where routines are being automatically executed in the flow(where it’s activatin is determined by the flow, without the need of anyone to trigger it). There are activities on Visto like photos, emails, voice, notes, attachments, forms and print.

The end tools is for us to finish a flow or take it to another flow. When we attach end to a decision or activity, the flow will be concluded or according to the type of flow the user is making, the end tool allows you to add another flow already made by your actual flow.